![]() ![]() ![]() Now That I'm Out was one of the first books I read after accepting the fact that I was gay. And of all the books I've read since coming out, this was probably my favorite. When you first come accept the fact that you're gay, lesbian, or bisexual, it can often be overwhelming trying to deal with everything that's going through your head. You long to have someone to talk to who understands what you're going through, but it's not always possible. At Anderson University I didn't know a single person who was gay. I never even knew anyone growing up who was gay. There was no GLBT Society in Anderson that I knew of. There might have been a PFLAG, but I didn't know where, and I would have felt weird calling them up to talk to someone. So, I, like many others, came out of the closet alone. And when I was out, the realization that I was alone in dealing with this hit me pretty hard. It was depressing. I wish I had this book when I was first coming out. Instead, I ended up buying it a month later while in New York City with a urban ministry class. From the very start, I could relate to everything that McNaught was writing about. McNaught wrote about his own coming out process, his feelings of not being accepted by heterosexuals or homosexuals, and his temptations to conform to how he thought others wanted him to be. Through his personal stories and examples, McNaught shoots down the sterotypes that everyone has of how gay men are supposed to act and encourages us to be who we are. There is no one correct way for a gay person to act. McNaught deals with everything from gay sex to raising a child to dealing with homophobic coworkers. You may not find acceptance from everyone all the time, but if you are who you are and not pretending to be someone else, you really will find the peace you're looking for. If you're dealing with your own sexuality, I strongly recommend this book. McNaught writes in a manner that's both lighthearted and serious. His wit and humor keep you turning the pages. And the variety of subjects he covers will provide every gay person with the help they need as they ask themselves the famous question: Now that I'm out, what do I do?
or purchase Now That I'm Out online for $10.36.
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