Journals of a Gay Vegan: Introspection
You Can Be A Feminist

There are a lot of people who don't like feminists. Why? Afterall, all we want are equal rights for men and women.

Well, it's not the equal rights that people have a problem with. It's the fact that feminists are challenging the traditional gender roles and stereotypes that have existed in our society for centuries.

Stereotypes need to be unlearned. Job descriptions should not come with gender requirements. Women do deserve equal pay for equal work. In 1999, that still isn't always the case.

Any religion that is used to suppress women is a religion we should forget. The sexism of Biblical days has no place in today's society. A person's gender should never be a criterian in selecting a religious leader. A wife submitting to an abusive husband is not a religious virtue, it's a moral crime.

Labeling someone or something as feminine or masculine is counterproductive. People need to have the courage to be themselves without wondering if they are too feminine or too masculine. Love yourself enough not to care.

Assumptions are the beginning of stereotypes. Stereotypes are the beginning of bigotry. Each person is an individual with unique character traits and a unique personality. Leave your misconceptions at the door. Get to know someone for who they are, not for who you think they will be.

Don't give up on the fight for equal rights, support the National Organization of Women. For more information visit their web site at

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